Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Actions or Words?

I saw a lady come into our group last night fresh out of jail, with no where to go, not a penny to her name. I watched one of our members take her home, without fan fare, without seeking recognition. That is a miracle.

It is so easy to sit on our butts at meetings and tell people what they should do. The book does not tell us to do that. The book says we show people what we have done, how we got over it. The book gives clear cut directions on how to recover. Our job is to show the newcomer what the book says and how we have applied it in our own lives.

Never is it my job to sit on my butt and "preach" to people, or talk down to people, my job is to carry this message through my actions. My job is to be a clean channel for God's infinite love to flow through.

After all I am not special, my first sponsor told me that frequently. I am just another bozo on the bus, another wave in the ocean. Any good that comes out of me flows through from God. My sobriety is a gift, my very life is a gift. I am supposed to pass it on.