Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Another day and another set of miracles going on around me. Today God has blessed me with the power to perceive them and appreciate them. Thanks God!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The world according to Chuck;

This is a quote from "A New Pair of Glasses" by Chuck C. I love it....

"You can live yourself into right thinking, but you cannot think yourself into right living"

This sums up the AA program for me. Just do what I am shown by others in this program to do, do what the book says to do and move on. I didn't believe this would work. But it has.

I don't have to hope for results today, I don't have to pray for outcomes. I just have to "do" and the results are all around me. I see them in you, I see them everywhere, and one day I looked up and my life was pretty much OK...

I am understanding what my sponsor says. I didn't know life could be OK, it could only be perfect or horrible. There was no middle ground.

Here is the really cool thing. I have learned that life is OK whether I think it is, or believe it is, or feel like it is. God is everything or nothing. Today I choose everything...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

God's Kids

"He causes the sun to rise on both the evil and the good, He sends rain to the righteous and the unrighteous" God loves all His kids. If I am letting Him demonstrate His power through me, guess I will too. Doesn't leave a whole lot of room for making judgements does it? I am incapable of this kind of true love, guess I better take care of the maintenance of my spiritual condition today and let go absolutely... Think I'll do a freefall with God today.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Looking Around

Been doing some traveling, the more I see different people in different places, the more convinced I become God lives in each and everyone of them. However the ones that realize that fact seem to have more peace. I am finding out that the more I am aware of the presence of God in my life, the more serenity I have. Yet again, it comes back to me out of the Big Book. "When many hundreds of people are able to say that the consciousness of the Presence of God is today the most important fact of their lives, they present a powerful reason why one should have faith." (pg 51)

To overcome fear, I must know God is with me, to deal with anger, I must be able to turn it over to God, to have peace, the knowledge of the presence of God must be instinctive.

How to achieve this? A sponsor, the 12 steps, and ACTION!!! The only way to learn to be dependent on God, not only when I run out of options, but when I am in no dilemma at all, is by taking the actions I have been told to take. I have been shown by all of you guys that this works, now I simply have to (no scratch that) GET TO show others.

Now we are off to go meet some more of God's kids. How cool is that?