Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The world according to Chuck;

This is a quote from "A New Pair of Glasses" by Chuck C. I love it....

"You can live yourself into right thinking, but you cannot think yourself into right living"

This sums up the AA program for me. Just do what I am shown by others in this program to do, do what the book says to do and move on. I didn't believe this would work. But it has.

I don't have to hope for results today, I don't have to pray for outcomes. I just have to "do" and the results are all around me. I see them in you, I see them everywhere, and one day I looked up and my life was pretty much OK...

I am understanding what my sponsor says. I didn't know life could be OK, it could only be perfect or horrible. There was no middle ground.

Here is the really cool thing. I have learned that life is OK whether I think it is, or believe it is, or feel like it is. God is everything or nothing. Today I choose everything...

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