Friday, November 9, 2012


Got hit with some pretty devastating stuff this week, personally and professionally.  Naturally I chose to do what we always do which is to retreat into resentment, fear, self-pity, and all the rest.

Fortunately, I have some people very close to me who are not a bit afraid of calling me on that crap.  So I broke out the old pencil and paper, did the inventory, did the prayers, read it to another recovered person, listened to their input.  Turned it over to God and moved on to doing the next right thing.

I am amazed at the Power and the Grace of God when I even make a small effort to take the right actions.  My mind is renewed, and the things that were blocking me from the Sunlight of the Spirit, no longer are.

God is everything or else He is nothing!!!  Today I choose everything...  I am happy, joyous and free once again...

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