Thursday, September 16, 2021

 Hello Everybody,

What has become real to me is God's Magic. The peace, joy, happiness and miracles that happens when I get out of myself and into helping God's kids for free and for fun.

The more I follow that Divine Spark that I can only find in this moment the stronger that Spark becomes.

Lord knows I don't do it perfectly, but God has enough Grace to pour out on even my feeble attempts to do the next right thing.

Sometimes the next right thing is uncomfortable.  But when I take action to do it regardless of how I feel, think or believe, the Magic The miracles happen. 

I know today that my alcoholism and addiction is a blessing not a curse for without them I would have never gotten the connection to the Creator I have today.

"The great fact is just this, and nothing less: That we have had deep and effective spiritual experiences which have revolutionized our whole attitude toward life, toward our fellows and toward God's universe. The central fact in our lives today is the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous. He has commenced to accomplish those things for us which we could never do by ourselves."  (BB Page 25)



Tuesday, May 18, 2021

You know anything good that comes out of our mouth, or that we have, or that happens in our life, or with our relationships comes from God. It is only on loan to us. 

Likewise all the negative things are usually a result of self will. God allows us the freedom to experience these things as well, we have to look at them as opportunities to show God's Grace and Love through it all...



Wednesday, May 12, 2021

 Good Morning,

 I haven't posted here in 7 years.  But I am thinking of starting again.  God and the program have been very good to me.  Expect to hear more later.


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

God among us...

I sat in a meeting tonight with lots of newcomers.  The topic was from page 24 and 25.  You know first the bad news and then the good news.

I watched the eyes of those people some glazed over yet a spark of hope in some of them.

This is the Power of God as I know it.  We don't save or harm these people.  We create an environment of love and tolerance.  We share the clear message of Hope from the book and then God shows up and takes care of the rest. 

A few people left our meeting with sponsors tonight and/or phone numbers.  All that wanted one left with a book.  Some will come back, some will do the work and ALL of them that do it will have a spiritual awakening, recover and have the Power to help others.

This is how God operates in and among us.  This is our experience.  This is what life is about. This my friends, is how we roll...

If you are not experiencing this then please, get that book in your hand and in your heart.  Take the actions.

"Thus we grow. And so can you, though you be but one man with this book in your hand. We believe and hope it contains all you need to begin.  We now what you are thinking. You are saying to yourself: "I'm jittery and alone I just couldn't do that." But you can. You forget that you have just now tapped a source of power much greater than yourself. To duplicate, with such backing what we have accomplished is only a matter of willingness, patience and labor." (page 163 AA big book)


Thursday, July 17, 2014

Please help!!!

I see people everyday who are living in a "recovered state".  They are happy, joyous and free, helping other people and enjoying life... They are changing the world one person at a time.

And then I see the others... Struggling, fighting one day at a time to stay strong.  I see them losing the battle.  I have watched them die.  I see the pain and suffering created by their disease, not only for themselves but for their families and employers and anyone who cares about them.

What is the difference between these two sets of people?  Doing the real work that is our spiritual program of action or not doing the work...

You can candy coat all of this if you want to, but the fact is that a real alcoholic needs a spiritual awakening, a complete psychic change in order to survive.

Watering down the message to make it attractive will not help... Telling people what our sponsor said will not help...  Going through the Big Book and working with our newcomers, one on one, will change the world.  When we connect with the Creator everything changes.  Nothing else works!!

If you have had this experience then please help us,  WE NEED YOU!!! 

"Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past and join us..."

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Get Real

"We of Alcoholics Anonymous, are more than one hundred men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. To show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered is the main purpose of this book" Foreword to the First Edition Alcoholics Anonymous----

If you are fighting this disease, if you are trying not to drink one day at a stupid time... Then you have not completed the first 9 steps of our program or have quit working the last three... ...Period! 
We have personally seen hundreds of people recover, we have seen miracles... Do not believe the delusion that you are different. Do not believe that it doesn't work just the way it used to.

The problem is that in our egotistical thinking some of us have set ourselves up to be super sponsors. All knowing answer men!!!

Some of us give our sponsees our opinions when asked a question... The answer to every question is in the book. "Let's see what the book says about that" This is what I say and do with these guys...

We have strayed so far in so many of our meetings... AA is not therapy, AA is not therapy, I don't care what you think or what "they told you" AA is spiritual program of action designed to connect you to the Creator... Period...

We don't know what you should do about your ex or about your taxes or your kitty cat... But we can help you get connected to God, who will solve all your problems...

Get a sponsor who sticks to the book, the Big Book, and work the steps from that...

You want to read the 12 and 12... Rock on, just remember the Big Book went through the group conscience of the first 100 recovered alcoholics... The 12 and 12 was written while Bill was under the care of a psychiatrist.... Huge difference... One is opinion, the other inspired by the Creator...

I love you all... But if some of us don't get real, a lot more people are going to die!!!


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Life today

God continues to reveal Himself to me all the time.  I have never been so humbled and been so blessed as I have the past few days...  God's Power is so real and so strong.  I see It in my brothers and sisters around me.  I hear It come flowing through the speakers at the podium, I see It in the eyes of sincere young men and women who are doing this work...  I feel It in the hugs of old timers and new comers...

Now will I be this aware and sensitive to it everyday, no probably not...  But this program has taught me that my actions need to remain the same, through good times and not so good, because they are all God's time.  I am blessed beyond belief...

God's Grace is sufficient, His Power is unstoppable, His presence is undeniable.

"The Great Fact is just this, and nothing less: That we have had deep and effective spiritual experiences that have revolutionized our whole attitude towards life, toward our fellows, and toward God's universe.  The central fact of our lives today is the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous.  He has commenced to do those things for us that we could never do for ourselves"  BB pg 25

