Tuesday, November 17, 2009


The Big Book States on page 77. Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people about us. I always wanted and needed a purpose. A grounded, unshaken purpose. Now I have one. God given. Notice it doesn't say our purpose is to be of maximum service. To be fit for service. To fit ourselves. If I am trying to be of service then I am putting myself back in the equation. Wondering what to do, where to go. Trying to control events, situations and people. All I have to do is fit myself to be of maximum service. How?

Don't drink or use.

Work the steps with a sponsor and get connected to God.

Maintain and grow that connection through the actions; prayer, meditation, talking to other addicts and alcoholics, service, and fellowship.

Doing these things deflates my ego and makes it "FIT" so I can get out of the way, let God lead, and follow along Happy, Joyous and Free. It is such a better way to live.

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