Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The big lie... or the big I...

Sometimes I get so caught up in the work I am doing in AA that I start believing the big lie... That lie is that I am doing anything under my own power to stay sober or to help someone else. I am not GOD IS... I just have to "fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people about me". (AA Bigbook Pg 77) Gone are the days when I thought I had to be some big AA speaker, or the next great AA evangelist. I am beginning to realize that when I am spiritually fit God will give me the next thing to do. It might be speaking, or it may be going to get water for the group, making coffee, talking to a sponsee, being polite to the lady at the store, it's really none of my business what it is. Again what I think or feel does not matter... What I do is what matters. This is the key of serenity for me today. Being fit and doing what I am supposed to do.

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