Friday, April 2, 2010


I was talking to a friend this morning and they were sharing with me some unpleasant things going on in their life right now. That is when I was reminded again that bad things often happen to people even when they are close to God and living this life. I know from my own experience that just like alcohol and drugs drove me to my knees and forced me to turn to God. The unpleasant things that happen keep me seeking. I have a disorder of the ego. If things were to go to smooth for me I would start believing the big lie. I would start to think I can handle life on my own. I would be in real trouble. The valleys in my life are where most of my spiritual growth comes from. Without them I would be suffering through this existence on my own and that is a horrible place to be. At this moment I can truly be thankful for the valleys and for my disease, because it all keeps me connected to the great Sustainer, to the Solution, to the POWER.

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