Tuesday, April 27, 2010

True Joy

Every time I have the privilege of sharing the Solution with a newcomer, when I get to work on the Steps with a sponsee, I stand in awe of the Power of God. It is true joy as I have never known it, it is the "high" that I was always looking for. It seems as though it is the point in time when all of the bits of God's Power merge, when I can catch a true glimpse of the Power of God. The things my sponsors have told me, the Program of AA, the promises of the Big Book, the words of the speakers, the uncountable prayers of mothers and wives and children, all conspire together to bring two drunks or addicts together spiritually, to accomplish things in both of our lives that we could never accomplish for ourselves. Regardless of the outcome, I walk away feeling touched somehow by God. Not because of any frail, mediocre, attempts to assert my human will. But because at that special moment in time, God through His Grace has bestowed upon me the gift of selflessness for that moment. It is the one time when I am closest to being out of the way and concerned with God's Will rather than my own little plans and designs. It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with God's power. The same Power which has restored me to sanity, the same Power that has removed the obsession, the same Power which created everything. Yeah God!!!

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