Friday, April 30, 2010

4th Dimension

The more I work this program, the more is revealed. I wonder is it the 4th dimension Bill Wilson referred to. When I let God out of the box I had Him trapped in with my will. When I am teachable, when I am doing the "do" things, when I am trying to get out of the way; then for the briefest moments I sense there is more, I smell more as some of my friends put it.

As I grow up in this fellowship, as I learn all about the real things in life, I stand in awe of the Power, which is God. I can see it in the eyes of another recovered alcoholic, more importantly I can see it in there actions. In just my minuscule amount of sobriety I have seen awesome incredible things. I have seen people walk through the fires and the valleys and come out in peace. I have seen people take their last breath in this human form at peace. I have seen the obsession removed and I have seen the pain of its return.

I'm not special, these things have been occurring since the beginning of time, only I could never perceive them before, let alone recognize the Power of God in them. As I grow older physically somehow I sense the bonds of earth loosening ever so slightly, and I am at peace...

Yet there is alot to do, and God has given me everything I need to continue along this path. I am responsible when anyone anywhere reaches out for help. I want the hand of AA always to be there and for that I am responsible...

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