Friday, August 27, 2010


God has given me the most precious gift there is. And I didn't even know it was happening. The gift of TRUTH. And the TRUTH is indeed setting me free today. The TRUTH is I am nothing without God. My little plans and designs are just really not that important because today I know that everything is working out according to His plan. This is TRUTH.

His plan has always been working I just didn't perceive it. Today the things I want don't seem to matter as much because I know He will provide what I need. Somehow that has started to change my desires. I can honestly say today I want His plan to unfold in my life. It is so far superior to mine. This is TRUTH.

I know that God only wants the best for me and from me. Yet He seems happy with persistence when my best isn't good enough. This is TRUTH.

I can't make it through this day or any other without the Power of God, the Creator living through me. This is TRUTH.

Thank you God my Father for TRUTH...

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