Wednesday, November 17, 2010


I just finished reading "A New Pair of Glasses" again. I am overwhelmed by the demonstration of God's Power in peoples lives. Security does not come from money in the bank, from relationships with other people, from things, from human power. It comes from my own relationship with my own God. And not just security, but peace and contentment as well. I thank my God for my alcoholism daily. Without this disease, I would have never needed nor known what real joy, real peace and serenity are.

This all culminates and comes to fruition every time I sit down, one on one with another alcoholic. It isn't because I am some great person, it isn't because I'm a nice guy. It is because that is what my God wants me to do and I'm doing it. It is that simple.

I try not to judge the middle of the road people any longer. Love and tolerance is our code. I would only say "Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows. Clear away the wreckage of your past. Give freely of what you find and join us."

This is where the theory stops and reality begins. This is where peace and contentment live.
I would not trade this life for anything. Unless God told me to. :)

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