Saturday, March 5, 2011


I have noticed if I sit around and think long enough I can watch my ego grow. It can start out by thinking of what I can do for others, with the purest motives, however it always ends up about me. The only time my ego seems to stay relatively in check is when I "do", not when I "think". Do the prayers, do the meditation, call the friend, make the coffee, go to the meeting, work the steps, carry out the trash... You get my drift...

This seems to be right because ACTION, not intentions, thoughts, feelings or beliefs, got me connected to God, and keep me connected to God. And the only way to keep my ego=brain=disease in check is to let my Higher Power do it.

My will is in my brain... God's Will is in my feet... Keep stepping...

God is, I do, it works...

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