Sunday, March 13, 2011


I was talking to a sponsee the other day and this guys name came up in town that I just don't like very much. We were swapping stories and I told him about some trouble I had with this guy several years ago. I didn't think anymore about it. Today my sponsee and I were talking and he has a couple of amends he really doesn't want to make yet. He is working his program though, and the time will come. Anyway, he asked me "did you make amends to that guy we were talking about the other day".

And then it hit me, and I had to answer "No, I haven't." Then I told him "I am going to show you how to do this and that it really works" So now I am praying for this guy, that I don't like much, and waiting for the magic to happen and I know He will put the guy in front of me or make me know it is time and I will do it. My experience with my God is that this will happen sooner rather than later. I don't want to but I will. How do I know?, because my Higher Power always gives me the willingness and the opportunity to make amends.

The point of this story and the point I made to my sponsee, is that this is exactly how the "program" works. I can't see my own crap, but I can see yours. But you guys can see mine every time. And it doesn't matter if you've been sober 3 days, 3 years, or 3 decades it really doesn't matter. It is absolutely a beautiful thing. God in His infinite wisdom figured out a way to use a stupid action I did 30 years ago, and then a stupider action I did 2 weeks ago, by telling war stories, to teach me something I needed to understand yet again, and hopefully, even give me an opportunity to bear witness of His Power, His Love, and His Way of Life.

My God Absolutely Rocks...

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