Saturday, April 2, 2011


We went to the noon meeting at our home group today. On the way out someone said lets cook out tonight. So everybody brought a little something and some guys in the group cooked it all up on the grill. We ate at 7:00 and then had our meeting at 8:00. The topic of the meeting was gratitude. And as I looked around that little room and listened to these people that I know so well share, I was very conscious of the Power of God in our little building and in the hearts of my dear friends. We were missing some of our clan. Some were sick, some out of town. Some have passed, but we have new members too. There are always people there, which for me means that God is always there. I am so grateful for our little AA group, out here in the middle of West Texas. For me it is a place of refuge, a place of hope, a place of recovery. Most of all a place of Power. 12 or 13 miracles sitting around those tables tonight. My life got saved in that little group, people are being saved there daily, saved from the insanity of alcoholism and addiction. We are going to take a vacation over the next couple of weeks. Going to San Francisco, but even in the midst of that beauty, in the midst of making new friends, a piece of my heart will be sitting in that chair and around those tables at my home group. I love this way of life. Thank you all for teaching me that all I have to do to touch the face of God, is look into another persons eyes.

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