Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Why is it when someone in a meeting announces "I needed a meeting" is it usually followed at once by "let me tell you about my crappy day"?

I don't now nor have I ever needed a meeting. Now I have thought I needed a meeting lots of times. But it really wasn't about what I needed it was about what I wanted. I wanted to dominate the Group's precious meeting time with my own selfish, self centered BS. I wanted the Group to make me FEEL better so I wouldn't have to do the work and I could continue to be the center of the universe. Let me tell you how that worked out. I almost died from a fatal progressive disease called alcoholism.

But I didn't die, someone loved me enough to hurt my feelings, to be controversial, to tell me the truth. I keep hearing how we should never be controversial, how we should be aware of the feelings of the members, how everyone has a right to "share". The only thing my book says about sharing is to share our experience, strength and hope.

My experience: Alcoholism will kill you, viciously. God will save you from that if you get connected by working the Steps. I can show you how to do that.

My strength: I have none, my Higher Power does, I will show you how to find it.

My hope: I have been rocketed into a fourth dimension I have no idea how good it can get. My God is infinite!!!

You see, I don't need meetings. I need to work the steps. I need a spiritual awakening. I need conscious contact with God. I need to perfect and enlarge my spiritual life through work and self sacrifice for others. I need to fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people around me. I need to practice these principles in all of my affairs.

Do I go to meetings? About 10 or 12 a week. Why? To bring something to them not to take something away.

Love and tolerance is our code you say... Absolutely!! Love people enough to tell them the truth and tolerate them until they find it.

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