Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The future

My disease never ceases to amaze me. In the best of times I can start to think about the future. Before long I am worrying about the future and even though I started out with the best intentions, before I have been thinking very long I am full of fear (about maybe I won't get what I want) and then resentment (because now I am sure that I didn't get what I wanted in the future and it hasn't even happened yet).

The only way out of this mental pit for me is working with another alcoholic. Then I realize I have what I need to do God's Will at this very moment. And this very moment is all I will ever have. We read it every night "may you find Him now". That is where my Higher Power lives NOW. And then I remember that the things I want are what kill me. True happiness and contentment come from doing God's Will, not seeking what I want.

My disease amazes me it is cunning, baffling, and powerful. But there is One who has all Power. That one is God, may we all find Him NOW.

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