Friday, July 1, 2011


The 5th tradition teaches me that the group's primary purpose is to carry this message to the alcoholic who still suffers.

Pg 77 teaches me that my real purpose is to fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people about me. Does this include carrying the message to the alcoholic who stills suffers? Absolutely! But, it also goes far beyond that.

I can get so passionate about carrying the message that I run over the people around me on my way to do it. If I put myself in charge of carrying the message, I end up carrying the mess instead. My job is to enlarge and perfect my spiritual life though work and self sacrifice for others. My job is to work these steps, and show others how to work them. This makes me spiritually fit to be of maximum service when I am given the opportunity.

I have been in my vehicle cursing the driver ahead of me for going too slow on my way to "save" a drunk. I have been hurried and rude to people that have called me on the phone because they interrupted me in the middle of "pontificating" to a newcomer. If I can't save them who can? Maybe God... Hmmm... I wonder if He has enough Power?

An alcoholic of my type has to stay connected to the Power, and to do that I have to remember I am no longer running the show. I must wake up and improve my conscious contact with God and go practice these principles in all my affairs.

My sponsor said it today. If we get too bored, too bogged down, we are in a dangerous spot. The way I get too bored and too bogged down is trying to do too much on my own will and not enough following God's will. My God wants me to be happy, joyous and free, this is attractive. Trying to run around and save the world while ignoring or being rude to all the other people around me isn't.

Should I lose my passion for this work? No way! But the passion comes naturally from my Creator, I just need to make sure I am aware when I am manufacturing pride and arrogance and calling it passion.

I do not have the power to get people drunk, nor do I have the power to save them. But there is one who has all Power. That one is God. May we all find Him now...

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