Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Letting Go

I was talking recently with a newcomer who mentioned that they were praying for something to not happen. My suggestion was to pray only for God's Will and the Power to walk through whatever it takes. That is becoming easier for me today, yet it can still be a hard thing. But for me this is so critically important.

My life was always ruled by my feelings and emotions. Only when I have been in complete despair was I able to turn it over to God and surrender completely. Today through my experience it is easier. That is spiritual growth, for me. Yet again, not through any thing I have done, but through experiencing what God has done.

I don't know, but I think this falls under the "trust God" category. And when I can't or I haven't had the experience I have to just do it. Regardless of how I feel, what I think or believe.

This program works, every time, I stand amazed at the Power.

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