Saturday, October 1, 2011

Sow it --- Reap it

I read a parable yesterday. About this rich guy fixing to go on a long journey. He called in these guys that worked for him and to one he gave 5 bags of gold to keep for him. To another 2 bags and to another 1 bag. He went on his trip, when he got back he sent for these guys and asked for an accounting. The first dude gave him back 5 bags of gold plus 5 more cause he had went out and worked on this deal and made more gold. The rich guy told him good job, since you handled this deal well I'm going to give you some more stuff to take care of. The second guy brought back the 2 bags plus 2 more. Awesome says the rich guy, good job. The last fellow had hid the gold in a hole and he brought back the one bag. When he reported in he promptly got fired.

When I first read this I though that was pretty harsh and that the Master was pretty brutal. But now I know, if I don't take this gift I have been given and use it. and share it, then I will lose it. Gold has no value in a hole in the ground. I wasn't given the gift of Life to keep it hidden. I can't hang on to it unless I give it away and then I get more so much more.

This is not a matter of judgement, or harshness, this is a natural spiritual immutable law. I reap what I sow.

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