Monday, October 31, 2011

What a weekend!!!

I took a trip over the weekend. My Higher Power used that time to renew my mind. To show me yet again, that real freedom comes from honesty. That real joy comes from working with others. That real happiness is an inside job, it comes from that unsuspected Inner Resource that can only work in my life when I get my will out of the way. When I take action to help others for free and for fun.

When I run the show, I only try to satisfy my wants, my desires, my wishes. I am never satisfied. External "stuff" is never going to make me happy, no more than it ever got me drunk. Selfishness and self centerness are still the root of my problem. I have to take actions, I have to get off my self centered butt and try to help someone else. It works every time.

And that's all I was ever looking for, something that worked every time.

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