Sunday, November 27, 2011

Spiritual tools

I am moving to a new town. I am grateful for the opportunity. Leaving is very hard and as the day approaches the unknown can be quite scary. Thank God for the simple kit if spirtual tools that have been laid at my feet.

Today I know that God is everything, but more importantly I act as if God is everything. Today I know, that my real purpose is to fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people around me. But more important is the fact that I act out my purpose even when I don't feel like it.

My sponsor says "How free do you want to be?" For me that freedom is a direct result of placing my dependence on my Creator. Dependence on my Creator means, instead of being fearful about a future that I have no means of controlling, I rest in the fact that if I just do the next right thing, regardless of what my mind or my disease tells me, God is in control. That freedom comes from doing what I am supposed to whether I feel like it or not. Do I always do this? Nope. But I can tell you this; when I don't, pain is involved. I don't like pain. That is what drove me in here in the first place. But when I do it, everything always works out.

God is, I do, it works...

I trust my God, the exact same way I do everything else in this program, with my feet. As a dear friend puts it, "I just keep steppin." I am sure when I get to my new town, I will land in the midst of some "Big Book Thumpers". And I know for sure there will be some suffering alcoholics, and my experience is that real alcoholics, like on page 21, make excellent thumpers when they experience the Power of the Creator first hand.

My book tells me on page 132. "I have recovered and been given the power to help others." What better news than that? I love AA, I love this way of life. With God's grace, the same Grace that got Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob sober, the same Grace that brought all of you into my life, the same Grace that relieved me of the obsession to drink and use, were gonna keep carrying this message till we can't carry it no more.

My God rocks!!!

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