Monday, April 16, 2012

Feelings vs Actions

I think the hardest concept for me to grasp when I got here was that feelings and thoughts should follow actions, not the other way around.

Some one told me today "I want to feel good, so I can be apart of". This is not how it works for me. I have to be apart of first and then my feelings will change.

The same thing is true with courage. Courage is not about not feeling fear, courage is about taking the action despite the fear.

The big book says that when the spiritual malady is overcome we straighten out physically and mentally. The only way to overcome the spiritual malady is with the spiritual program of action outlined in the big book.

In other words I find God with my actions, and I maintain my connection to Him with more action.

Faith is not that warm feeling that everything is going to be alright. I have been taught that is the reward for faith. Faith is usually scary and uncomfortable. Faith is stepping out when I want to hide.

The the idea that my thoughts and feelings should control my actions is an old idea I have to let go of absolutely. Principles should control my actions today. And when they do my life Rocks... My God's will never seems to come in advance and it NEVER violates principles.

The thoughts that seem to dominate the mind of alcoholics are "I feel like or I don't feel like". Or "my opinion is this or the other". What I believe when I get here does not matter, because my beliefs will change as a result of taking action.

The hardest thing to learn is that while my feelings are real, (I really have them), they are very rarely reality. The big fears I have seldom come to fruition. And when they do it is not usually nearly as dramatic as my magnifying mind has made them out to be.

I have had a psychic change as a result of working these steps. So most of the beliefs and ideas I had when I got here have been replaced by a new set of beliefs and ideas. As I grow in understanding and effectiveness, I am sure they will continue to evolve. If not, then my spiritual life is not being perfected and enlarged, and I am in big trouble.

I said all of that to say this, what I thin,k feel, and believe is not important at all, but what I do can change lives, beginning with my own. That is the kind of Power my God has...

Nike has it right... JUST DO IT...

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