Friday, May 11, 2012

AA is not therapy.  My sponsor says it all the time.  AA is not therapy.  An AA meeting is is not a "dumping ground" for my problems.  An  AA meetings purpose is not to make me "feel better".  The big book says on page on page 15 "We meet frequently so that newcomers may find the fellowship they seek".

Our message at the meetings must be one of hope.  We have great news.  We have discovered a common solution. We have a way out on which we can absolutely agree,  and upon which we can join in brotherly and harmonious action.  Can we please share that?

I know that we each think that our stories are so unique and interesting.  They are not.  What is interesting, what is attractive, is how did we go about finding this Power which solves all our problems.
Can we please share that?

We have the certainty that THE CREATOR has entered our hearts and lives in a way which indeed is miraculous!!  Can we please share that?

We have recovered and been given the Power to help others.  Can we share that?

The steps are a pathway to God.  Let's share that.

God's Power changes lives forever. For keeps.  Please share that?

Lets quit reading the 9th step promises and telling people if they come to enough meetings (therapy sessions) they will magically start appearing in their life.

Lets quit romanticizing our war stories and portraying our selves as such bad asses.

Lets quit dumping our "problems" on the table and start rising above them.  How about letting God demonstrate through us what He can do.

We all carry a message everyday, which one do I choose to carry today?

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff Jerry. It's up to us to show others what the message is. There are so many that could have more out of recovery if they only knew, and wanted it. We can't make them drink the water, but we can try to make them thirsty!
