Sunday, July 29, 2012

Real Purpose

Mad at the someone in your life?  Go help a drunk...
People in your group not behaving up to your expectations?  Go help a drunk...
Worried about how people are "identifying" in your meeting? Go help a drunk...
Got a resentment you can't get over?  Go help a drunk...

We sit around in our little meetings, bitching about our little issues, concerned about our little plans and designs.  We have our little social hour, we share friggin one liners and pat each other on the ass,
and then step around the suffering alcoholic, wrinkle our nose and say "I think I smelled alcohol on him". 

Who do we think that we are.  Oh, I've been sober since May of 1492.  Who really gives a crap how long we have been sober?  We want to brag about our sobriety date and pontificate, while alcoholics are dying all around us.  We want to have great debates while people are dropping into oblivion every day.

If you don't want to give back, if you don't want to help others then I am seriously sorry for you. Go run off with your buddies and talk crap about the newcomers. While you are at try to figure out why most of the people of the opposite sex you are trying to "help" aren't staying sober.

We know you when we see you though.  Your mean, mad, and miserable and you stay that way, day after day, week after week and month after month.

My friends and I will be in the trenches, we will be giving back what was given to us, not because we are great.  Because we are grateful. Because when we look in a suffering alcoholics eyes we see God.

Because we realize that sobriety date we have has nothing to do with us and everything to do with God.  The longer we are sober the more we owe.  The more we owe the more we give.  The more we give the happier we are.

At the top of my sponsorship lineage is Dr. Bob.  He helped over 5000 drunks in 15 years.  Now I will never be able to reach that many probably.  But it won't be from lack of effort.  Cause the way we roll in our lineage, I do what my sponsor does, and he does what his sponsor did, all the way back.  And that's just what we do.  And thank God for that, cause that message of hope, those precise instructions, and even more important those actions were passed right down through those men to me. 

It is my job, no scratch that, it is my purpose to pass that example along, what I have been taught and what I have witnessed.

Thank you God!!!

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