Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Who is really running what?

I can try with all my might to stop trying to run the show.  I fail miserably.  Why?   One little word EGO...  My natural insticts are to try to have things my own way.  That is what my human will always desires. 

I have to constantly remind myself I am no longer running the show.  I have to turn in all things to my Creator.  Turn is an action.  Pausing when agitated or doubtful is an action. Saying that prayer, Thy Will, not mine be done, is an action.  Not trying to make the other guy see it my way, is an action.  Shutting up is an action.

Love and tolerance is our code.  It is easy to say that when people are doing it my way.  It is not so easy to be tolerant when someone is being intolerant.  It is not so easy to love some one when they are hating.  Yet, it is my job.  It is the role I have been assigned.  And I better make sure I am connected to the One who has all Power when I enter those situations.

Does that mean I lay down, roll over, and become apathetic?  Absolutely not.  The role I have been assigned is to pause,  turn,  ask  for the right thought or action, and then  simply to do or say the next right thing in God's time not mine.  Not an easy role to play.

But, I have a Power greater than myself to rely on.  And I need to rely on It.  Because if I start trying to run the show, start trying to plan the outcomes, start demanding my own way, then I experience pain.  And a wise man has taught me that pain is an indicator, given to me by God, to let me know when something is wrong.

I said all of that to say this.  I think I always know what is right, I think I know what everyone else should do, I think I know what is best for everybody, that is the way I feel.  Thank God today, for the most part, my actions are based on principles and not feelings.    Cause the reality is this, I am just another Bozo on the bus, another one of God's kids doing the best I can with what I have to work with and so is EVERYONE else...

1 comment:

  1. Good words to live by my friend... I must be careful not to direct the show or manipulate others for when the show doesn't come off the way "I" think it should, I
    ll push even harder. Thy Will, Not Mine Be Done. TY My Brother
