Sunday, December 23, 2012

Basic Text

When I start analyzing and interpreting the simple instructions in our basic text, then I am really just back to trusting my brain instead of God's power.  That didn't work out to well for me.  Our text book is a set of written instructions on how to live and act.  I don't need to analyze it and I don’t need to interpret it, I just need to do it.  I can read the book everyday till I die, I can engage in great debates, I can sit around with the older members and we can intellectualize.  That will not make me happy, joyous and free. And it won’t treat my alcoholism.


Taking the actions, working the steps, helping others to work the steps and get connected to God, that is what I am supposed to do.  That is where God wants me. This is what treats the selfishness and self-centeredness of my disease. Around me hundreds of people are dying from alcoholism, and I have the absolute arrogance to sit on my butt and debate what Bill meant by this or that.  How selfish and self-centered can I be.  I used to think I could use my knowledge to find God. I used to think I had to go off by myself and be on the river to find God.  In other words I searched for spiritual experiences. Not anymore.  Do I still like to get by myself on the river absolutely.  Is God there? Absolutely.


But the fact of the matter is my next spiritual experience, the next big one will probably come when I am with someone, that I think won’t ever get this deal, going through the steps, when I don’t feel good.  When I would rather be anyplace else.  And then something will come flying out of my mouth that I didn’t even know and then I will see it.  That little spark in his eyes.  And I will end up experiencing the Power of God that day.


People are dying all around me from this disease.  Do I sit and watch them and judge them while they slip away?  Or do I reach out of my comfort zone, do I take them by the hand and look them in the eye and tell them the truth.  Do I carry the mess or the clear message of Hope.  Do I worry about how that may make me look to others around me or do I trust the 6th sense that I have been promised that is being developed inside of me.  Do I pat them on the butt and say keep coming back?  Or do I take the time to qualify them, to show them what it means to be a diagnosed alcoholic.  Do I proclaim truth or do I offer opinions?


Back in my sponsorship lineage there was a man named Dr. Bob. He said keep it simple.  He helped over 5000 alcoholics in 15 years.  Someone told me tonight my goal should be to die sober.  SCREW THAT… My goal is to live happy joyous and free everyday… How do I do that? By doing my best to take the actions described in our book.  By trying to help others for free and for fun. I didn’t get a personal relationship with the Creator by studying about Him, or even by trying to discover Him.  I learned what little I know by working a spiritual program of action…  And I learn more everytime I open my heart to one of His children, especially when I don’t want to.

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