Friday, January 11, 2013

My Job

My God IS today...  And that is good enough...  Do I understand God?  Nope...  But I don't need to, in fact I wasn't even supposed to.  I realize that there is no way my human mind,`as miraculous as it is, could ever come close to conceiving or defining God.

The Creation was never supposed to understand the Creator, just depend on Him.  The arrogance of us humans to try to define God, to put God in a box, and then to judge one another because our definitions don't match.

God just IS, everything I see, touch, hear, smell or taste was created by God and through God. As in fact, I was.  A part of God lies deep within all of us, in every fiber of our beings at a cellular level...

My job is to realize that apart from God I am nothing...

My job is to make a decision to turn over my will and my life to Something bigger than me.

My job is to take the actions to remove the resentments, fear, guilt, shame and remorse that block me off from conscious contact with the God that is within me and within you...

My job is to ask God to remove from me the things that stand in the way of my usefulness to Him and the people around me...

My job is to set right the mistakes of my past by making amends to the people I have harmed...

My job is to continue to take actions that help me grow in understanding and effectiveness...

My job is to let God demonstrate through me what He can do...

My job is to trust that connection that is developing within me...

My job is to take my Awakened Spirit into life, to allow God to speak to and love people in a way that I am incapable of...

No longer do I find it necessary to define God's job or yours.  As you can see I have a pretty busy job of my own to look after...

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