Thursday, January 24, 2013

The approach!!!

I hear in our meetings a lot today people talking about how inappropriate it is to approach a newcomer and offer to sponsor him, that we should wait until he reaches out for help.  What a load of bull.  I think that might be code for "we don't really want to be bothered"

A lot of the people I sponsor today, I have approached.  You see them in every meeting, never smiling, looking uncomfortable, can't sit still, miserable, running out after a meeting trying to get the hell out of there before they have to talk to someone.

Are we to busy getting a cup of coffee to notice?  Are we too busy telling the guy beside us after the meeting about our crappy day?  Or are we just scared?  Or worse yet do we just not care? Are we still caught up in the selfishness and self centeredness which is the root of our problem? Or better yet have we read their mind and decided because they need a court slip signed that they are not ready?  Absolute arrogance...

The guys in my sponsorship lineage will flat chase down a newcomer to strike up a conversation. That's just how we roll in Texas, we ain't shy...

"But the ex problem drinker who is properly armed with the facts about himself, can generally win the entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours. Until such an understanding is reached little or nothing can be accomplished"

I don't run up and say "hey I gonna sponsor you whether you like it or not".  We just visit and then I ask them "have you worked the steps?  I can show you how if you want me to."  Its really pretty simple and to make all you middle of the roaders out there, happy; it isn't even that intrusive.   Alcohol, now that's intrusive...

Why do we expect them to know what they need to do, they need to be shown.  They don't even know if they are a real diagnosed alcoholic or not until we qualify them.  If your scared about this then read on it is real easy.

Are you qualified? 

Have you had a spiritual awakening as the result of the steps?

Do you have a sponsor?

If you answered yes to both of these, then you are ready.

Are they qualified.

Can they control how much they drink every time they drink?

Given sufficient reason can they quit for good?

If they answer either one of these with a no then they are qualified.

Now take them through the work!!!  Start at the Title page and go from there.

If you get stuck talk to your sponsor, it will be good for him!!!

Here is what I get out of this.

Absolute joy!!!

"Our real purpose is to fit ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people around us"

Real purpose = Real joy!!!

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