Friday, February 8, 2013


I have heard in quite a few meetings that there are no guarantees in AA. That is quite true for the fellowship.  But that is not true for the spiritual program of action that is AA.  What is a guarantee? It is simply a promise and the book is full of them, both good and bad.

If I do the actions that are laid out in the book (the first 9 steps) precisely as directed then I am guaranteed a spiritual experience and the obsession to drink will be removed from me by God.  If I continue to take the actions of steps 10, 11, and 12 everyday then I am guaranteed a daily reprieve from that obsession. Period...

If I am telling the newcomer that this works for some and doesn't work for others then, I am sending the wrong message.  The Power of God is not given to some people by chance and withheld from others.  The program of AA is 100% effective if done as directed.  Everytime, regardless of age, sex, race, sexual orientation, or any of the other myriad ways we seperate ourselves from others.

It does not matter if I came by way of a court slip, angry family, treatment center.  It does not matter how I got here.  Rich or poor. This disease strikes across all lines, and my God gives access to His power to everyone as well.

My daily reprieve does not depend on whether I have been sober 30 days or 30 years.  It does not depend on my memories of past debacles or my fear of future failings.  It depends on the maintenance of my spritual condition and nothing else.

This is the greatest guarantee of all, no matter who you are or what you have done, if you are an alcoholic and you do this work, you will recover from this disease. This is the clear message of Hope, this is all we have to offer.

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