Wednesday, February 20, 2013

True Power

I became willing to believe in something bigger than me because alcohol just beat me into submission.  I surrendered to the fact I had run my entire life into the toilette.

I took some action that I didn't want to take and the results have been amazing.

God has awakened my spirit enough to allow me to have these spiritual experiences.  God makes that possible.  Apart from Him I am nothing.  Apart from Him I am a hopeless alcoholic, who can't stop drinking.  Apart from Him I am selfish and self-centered to the core.  Apart from Him I never make the right decision.  Apart from Him I am lost.

I used to think I was big shot.  I used to think I was special.  That if everyone would just do as I thought things would be great.  Today I realize that I couldn't even run my own life much less someone elses.

I have always been blessed and was just too arrogant and prideful to acknowledge it.  Everything I have, all my talents, all my "stuff" doesn't belong to me at all.  It belongs to God.  And that is okay today.

I can still fall into the trap of thinking I know best, that I can figure it all out.  But by staying connected to this Power which I don't understand, I soon realize that I really know nothing other than what He gives me.  As I grow in understanding and effectiveness, through closer contact with God,  there is a sixth sense being developed within me. A big part of that sense is knowing that I need to stay connected more and more just to do the things I have been given to do.

I love the line in the book that says "The central fact of our lives today is the absolute certainty that our Creator has entered into our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous."

If you think this program is about just not drinking one stupid day at a time.  I am truly sorry for you.  This is not about not drinking, this is about living in a new and wonderful world no matter what your present circumstances.

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