Wednesday, February 13, 2013


I got to spend some time at a place that is very dear to my heart this week.  The place where my journey in this way of life started.  I went there in a new capacity this time, as a family member.  I went feeling like I knew what was best, in other words my ego was hanging out just a bit.

But as I began to submit myself to the process and to open my ears and my mind, I was shown several things that I didn't know.  God was able to remind me one more time of where the Power of this deal really lies. God was was able to open my heart and pour some good stuff in.

I left there with a new sense of understanding for the people that don't have this disease personally, yet are affected by it everyday.  I left there humbled and thankful.

Those of you who know me are aware that I sometimes suffer from the delusion that I am the "spiritual leader of the western hemisphere" (at least that's what my first sponsor used to say)  :)
If you see me acting that way please hold me accountable...

Bottom line is this:  When I humbled myself to the process, took the action, did the work even though I didn't want to, God showed up, stepped in and put me in a position to help a few more people and shower me with blessings just like He always does.

Much thanks to my wife and my old case manager for showing me the truth, as they have always been able to do...

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