Saturday, March 30, 2013


I heard someone speak tonight at our group and as she told her story I was overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude of all of the people before me who kept this fellowship together. It made me think of the spiritual advisors I have had along the way.  It made me think of my first sponsor who has passed, it made me think of my current sponsor and the lineage all the way back to Dr. Bob, Bill Wilson, Ebby Thatcher, Rowland Hazzard.

I am so honored and humble just to get to be a part of the most awesome fellowship that has ever existed.  We all do what we can do and God uses all of us to change peoples lives forever.  For once and for all. 

I get to experience life, real life.  I get to experience God's Grace.  Today I got to be on the other side of the amends process with someone I dearly love.

If Bill Wilson, Dr. Bob and the first one hundred had not allowed themselves to be used by God, if they had not taken the action and done the next right thing, where would we be?

My sponsor has told me that gratitude is an action.  I must take action daily, I must fit myself to be of maximum service to God and the people around me, I do that by practicing these principles in all of my affairs if I do less where will this fellowship be 78 years from now.  I will take action because that is what I am supposed to do.  It does not matter how I feel, what I think, or what I believe.  It matters what I do.

Thank you people in our fellowship.  Thank you for listening to God, yesterday, today and tomorrow.


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