Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Trench

I heard a speaker tonight that shared the clear message of Hope in a unique way.  She got through to people that I could never touch.  It is becoming so apparent to me that God has a unique way to use everyone of us.  Are we "fitting ourselves to be of maximum service to God and the people around us" or are we still "victims of the delusion that we can wrest satisfaction and happiness out of this world if only we manage well?"

We need you, all of you... God has a unique destiny for all of us... Let's begin today... Let's take the actions to become spiritually fit to be of maximum service, the mental and physical will follow.  The only way for me to be happy in this world is to fulfill my God given purpose...

Changing the world is not my job it is God's job.  But I can take the actions to allow God to change me, and then I can show someone else how I did that...

My problem has always been that I want the whole thing planned out, and more importantly laid out for my approval.  That is not my experience.  My experience is that if I take the actions to stay connected to God then I will know what to do in any given situation, at the moment I need to do it.  The next right thing is scary sometimes, it doesn't come natural a lot of the time and yet it is still the next right thing.

And the one thing I know without a shadow of doubt is that I never walk through it alone. I walk through it wrapped in the Grace of God.  Shielded from harm by the Creator Himself...

My sponsor says it all the time "are we going to sit on the sidelines or are we going to take our rightful place in the trench?"

Being happy, joyous, and free comes from doing God's will nothing less...  It isn't always fun, it is often quite scary, and sometimes quite tedious, but it is where the rocket ride starts guys.

Do you want to experience life? Do you want to understand peace? Do you want to feel your heart soar?

Abandon yourself to God as you understand God. Admit your faults to Him and to your fellows.  Give freely of what you find and join us.  We shall be with you in the Fellowship of the Spirit as you
trudge the Road of Happy Destiny!!!


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