Sunday, April 28, 2013

Guides to Progress

I had another one of those aha moments the other day.  You know when the stuff you have been hearing over and over and over for a few years suddenly leaps off the page at you.  On page 60 it says: "The point is, that we are willing to grow along spiritual lines.  The principles we have set down are guides to progress...."  This is stated immediately after the steps were "set down" on the previous page.  If we are willing to grow spiritually then we have to be guided by the steps.  If I am to continue to grow spiritually then I have to continue to do the steps.  I have to practice these principles (steps) in all of my affairs. 

I knew that was the case before but I had missed how very clearly that is written on page 60 and I have heard it thousands of times.

It doesn't say the meetings we attend are guides to progress. It doesn't say telling my war story is a guide to progress. It doesn't say the years I stay dry are guides to progress. It says I have to practice these steps.  That includes 10 and 11, and the biggie 12. 

I cannot spiritually progress in this way of life if I am not praying meditating and working with others.  If I am not carrying the clear message of hope to the suffering and dying alcoholic.

I heard a speaker this weekend quote Dr. Bob, someone asked him what was different about AA right before he died and he allegedly said: "We got a lot more talking, a lot less action, and a lot nicer furniture."  Now I don't know if he said that or not.  But I damn sure know it is true...

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