Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God's Plan.

I never understand God's plan.  And that is okay, because after attempting to stay in God's will for a while, I have come to realize that things always work out for the best.  I don't always remember that while I am in the midst of the storm, and sometimes I let that storm carry me into self will.  But thanks to God I usually don't stay there as long as I used to.

Faith is not something I attained by trying.  God showed me what faith was by consistently working out my problems, sometimes in spite of me.  First I had to start taking the right actions regardless of what my mind told me.  Then and only then could I perceive God's perfect grace.

Any thing good in my life or in the life of the people around me is a result of submitting to God's will.  Everything else is a result of human will.

I can't know God's will ahead of time it comes to me in that instant before I act.  I better be connected to Him before that instant happens. 

And I can't see God's plan until it unfolds.  After the fact...  Trusting God isn't so hard.  A dear friend always says "if you can't trust God then just act like a fellow might act if he trusted God".  That has worked for me.

It's about living on principles instead of feelings.  It isn't always easy but it works!!!

Lying doesn't work, stealing doesn't work, anger doesn't work, selfishness doesn't work...

God let me be an actor and play the role you assign.  I don't want to be the Director anymore, cause it just doesn't work...

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