Friday, May 24, 2013


"When, therefore, we were approached by those in whom the problem had been solved" the Big Book says on page 25.

That tells me if the problem has been solved within me, if I have recovered, I am to approach the newcomer and let them know there is a solution.  That is how I share hope.

Ebby approached Bill, Bill approached Dr. Bob, they both approached Bill D.  This is another area in which the "fellowship" has moved away from the "program".

We hear it in AA all the time, "we don't want to scare off the newcomer".  "I have never approached a newcomer and offered to sponsor them"  Really?  Why?  Is that because I have heard that and decided it is a good idea.  What does the literature say?

Page 89 You can easily find some by asking a few doctors, ministers, priests or hospitals...

Page 90  His attention should be drawn to you as someone who has recovered...

Page 157 We are giving you a treatment for alcoholism...

It even tells us in the book this isn't always easy.  What if you are thinking to yourself "I am jittery and alone I cant do that" then read on page 163 it says what to do in that circumstance as well.

The bottom line for me is this.  I can't stand around the outside of an AA meeting chewing the fat with my buddies while a newcomer goes away without hearing about the hope.  I don't walk up to people and say I am going be your sponsor.  I walk up and try to find out where they are at.  What's going on with them.

If they are an alcoholic the conversation will take its course and I will simply ask them " do you want me to show you how to do this deal"  If they do then we get started if not I don't pressure.  But I have to share hope with them. That is why God saved me from this horrible plight.

I can't leave the most important decision of their life up to them when they don't even know what to ask.  I make it clear to these guys that they are not bound to me.  I am simply trying to show them how to get connected to a Power that will change their lives forever.  If they find someone else to do that then rock on.  Its not about having a bunch of sponsees, so I can brag.  It's about offering hope to as many people as I can on this earth before I'm not here any longer.

If you are having problems with this and want to talk about it call me.



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