Sunday, June 9, 2013

Old Ideas

I just returned from a business trip in Villahermosa Mexico.  I had some wrong ideas about the place.  But I have been in the program long enough to know I should at least try to attempt to have an open mind.  I was in a little fear and was kind of dreading it, but I went anyway.

What happened was I met some wonderful people who I am sure will be my friends for along time.  I was amazed at the culture, at the happiness of these people, but most of all at the humility and the kindness shown to me.

I left there with a sense of how powerful God really is and how He works miracles in each and everyone of our lives, if only we allow Him to. "The Realm of the Spirit is broad, roomy, all inclusive; never exclusive or forbidding to those who earnestly seek.  It is open we believe to all men."

Yet again I am amazed at the Power of my Creator when I open my mind and depend on Him.

Tomorrow, I have been blessed with this precious way of life for 4 years.  I take no credit for that.  All I did was take the only choice available when alcohol had beat me down to the point of no return.  I did a few simple things and my life has been changed forever.  Not by me, but by you guys showing me how to get connected to God.

Now I simply try to help other folks get the same connection.  I traveled through Mexico City on my trip and it was pointed out to me there are 22 million people that live there.  My mind instantly went to; that means there are 2.2 million alcoholics.

What can I do about that? I can carry this message of hope to the next person that wants it.  They in turn will carry it.  Will it help the folks in Mexico?  I have no idea, that is none of my business.  But it is God's will for me to do and I will continue to do it as long as there is breath in my body.

I live my life one day at a time, but the deal I made in the 3rd step was that I decided to turn my will and my life over to the care of God. It's there and it will stay there.  Never say never they say... But the same they told me not to get my sobriety date tattooed on my arm, they told me not to sponsor anyone till I was sober at least 6 months, they told me just come to meetings, and they tell me I will never be recovered.

Thank God showed me how to let go of all of the old ideas, even theirs.

I love my God today, along with His children, and I love you guys, all of you even the theys...

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