Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Humility is not something I am capable of working on or fighting to attain.  Humility is simply REALIZING (when something becomes real to me) that I am nothing apart from God; the knowledge that I am the creation, made to be dependent on the Creator.  Apart from Him I am nothing.  It is REALIZING that my life is still unmanageable by me today.  No matter how hard I try, I cant do it.  It is not my job. It is God's job.

Now here is the real kicker, everyone else is in the same boat.  If that is real to me, then God will manage my life in such a way that being kind to others, putting others before myself will be a natural out flow. 

But then I will forget and the pain will come back and once again I will have to REALIZE that I can't manage my life.

If I set out to be a "better person" and "treat others nicer" it just won't work.  But when I start the day with my God, on my knees, acknowledging my utter inability to run my life.  If I ask for knowledge of His will and the Power to carry it out.  Then He will give me the Power to do the next right thing.  And how I treat other people will not be such an issue.

If I go through my day in complete dependence on Him, the natural result will be a kindlier, gentler, less selfish Jerry.

Do I do that everyday?  Not so much, but I always start the day out in utter dependence on Him and that works so much better than the way I used to live. Progress not perfection...

Apart from Him I am nothing, the Father does the work...

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