Sunday, February 9, 2014


Just got to go on a great trip...  So glad to be back home...  Came home and immediately, without a thought, started trying to "fix" every one's problems.  I had to hit the pause button... I looked in the book, guess what it said? It opened to page 95 and it said "If he is to find God, the desire must come from within" 

And guess what if we are going to grow and expand our spiritual life, that desire must come from within as well.  I can't make anyone do anything... I need to remember that more... Me trying to control any situation and determine its outcome doesn't work, even though my motives are good...

Seems like I remember that from step 3...  I produce confusion not harmony... Thank you God for showing me that, one more time...

And now I am home, and I am ready to jump in with both feet and be of service to some folks, or do what ever else God wants me to do... Not what I think needs to be done...

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