Sunday, February 23, 2014


This spiritual journey has some valleys at times.  Usually, when I am trying to judge the value of something or someone by human standards... By my own will, with my own ego... Sometimes when we won't let go of something it gets pulled away from us...

This is often a painful experience.  The question is what is my reaction going to be.  Will I slip into self pity and remorse, or will I continue to trust my God.

People say that when one door shuts another opens... I don't know if I believe that, but I do know that nothing absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake... I do know that my only choice, my only chance, my only job is to take the actions and keep trudging this road of Happy Destiny...

I have a purpose, it was given to me by the Creator of the Universe.  "Keep on stepping" as a dear friend of mine says....

Just do it...

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