Monday, March 24, 2014

Just do it...

Taking the actions "suggested" in the Big Book works.  Every time!!! If this is our experience then why do so many fail to take them on a regular basis?  It is because the true awareness of step one does not remain with us.  When we are driven into the rooms, a lot of us are desperate...  We are willing to do anything to relieve the pain of this disease... But as the pain goes away, the ego rebuilds and we become convinced we are doing a great job at staying sober...

The instant that happens whether 2 weeks in or 2 years in or 20 years in, we try to take back control, demand to have our own way, and the relapse has begun.

The only way I have found to continue to have the step one experience is to work with other alcoholics. It refreshes our step one experience...

I was as recovered on week 3 of this deal as I am today... God removed the obsession to drink and use!!! But I am not cured!!!  The book is very clear on this.  I must help other people I must go out everyday and help God's kids for free and for fun.

It doesn't matter how I feel, what I think, or what I believe... What matters is that I get off of my self centered butt and take some action...



Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I have been going through some ups and down lately... Nothing major, just changes... Mindy reminds me all of the time, no matter what the problem is the answer is always the same... And it is...

The Solution to my problems big or small, is that conscious contact with God.  It is the absolute certainty we have that our Creator has entered our hearts and lives in a way which is indeed miraculous...

The only way I know of to keep that vital connection is take the actions laid out in the Big Book... If we are not doing that on a daily basis then we are not taking care of the maintenance of our spiritual condition and that will result in the loss of our connection to the Creator, our brain will start leading, instead of our God and we will be in real trouble.

Are we doing the "do" things? Stop, pause, turn, ask, help, pray...  If not then why not?  I am recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body... But I am not cured... If I don't take the action the alcoholism will lead me back to those selfish self centered thoughts, the dishonesty, the fear, the resentments and ultimately chaos and doom...

Life can be challenging, but it is never, NEVER bigger than our God...