Saturday, February 27, 2010

One Day at a Time

Some of us in the fellowship have "perverted this truth". No where in the big book does it state I won't drink today, but maybe I will tomorrow. The big book says there must be "no lurking notion that I can be immune to alcohol". (pg 33) It says "we are like men who have lost our legs; we never grow new ones" (pg 30)

The big book refers to a "24 hour reprieve, contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition." (pg 85) Notice is doesn't say contingent on our spiritual condition. It says if I take the actions everyday to maintain my spiritual condition. I will not have the desire to drink. Thank God for that! My perception of my spiritual condition is based on thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings are not important. Right action and the results of taking right action is all that matters. That is so powerful to me, for action is where the rubber meets the road. Action results from a decision being made.

My Higher power honors action, my Higher Power keeps me sober... Whether I am believing it on any given day doesn't matter... Doing the deal keeps me connected...

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