Monday, December 20, 2010


My thoughts are crazy. They are always running through my mind it seems. Crazy thoughts, without rhyme or reason. Horrible thoughts, mean thoughts, selfish thoughts. Today that is ok. Today I know that is my disease, ever present, ever lurking, ever dangerous. The difference in now and before? Today I don't have to act on these thoughts, I know that there is another Power in me. Greater than my brain, my disease, my ego.

I have been taught that while my feelings are real, they are not reality. There is a huge difference. Reality is that God is everything. Reality is that my thoughts and my feelings are just not that important. Its kind of like the weather in West Texas. Its ok not to like it cause it will change in about 15 more minutes. Same way with my feelings and my thoughts.

What is consistent is my God. What has to stay consistent are my actions. Outcomes--Not my business, my spiritual condition--Not my business, the maintenance of my spiritual condition--Now that is my business. That is what makes me fit to be of maximum service to God and the people about me.

Today the actions I take are the actions I have been taught. The less my thoughts and feelings have to do with my actions, the smoother life seems to be. And here is the absolute kicker. When I take the right action, my old sick mind seems to follow right along.

My God Rocks!!!

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