Saturday, July 13, 2013


 I know some guys that are going through a rough patch right now.  Unsure about decisions to make in their professional career or in personal relationships.  My suggestion to them is the same.  Ask God in your morning meditation what you can do for the man who is still sick. 

This sounds lame.  But my experience is when I do that answers come, maybe not at once.  But the phone will ring during the day or someone will call me I will get the opportunity to help some one.
And then the funniest thing happens, when I get done helping someone else my problems either are greatly diminished or I perceive them to be. Peace comes over me and I am able to get through the next "crisis".

I am sorry if you don't believe this, but if you don't it is probably because you haven't tried it.  Contempt prior to investigation? 

If I stay in the problem trying to figure it out then I just make it bigger and bigger.  My job is to help others.  God's job is to take care of me...

1 comment:

  1. It works...I've tried it. He'll place something in my path allowing me the opportunity to help someone getting me out of self.
