Saturday, July 6, 2013


You will all be happy to know I have changed my stance.  Meeting makers do make it!!!  Yep you heard me.  For four years now I have had a meeting with God every morning and almost every evening, with several scattered throughout my day.  The morning meetings take place on my knees.  A lot of the others take place in my truck, sometimes I speak and a lot of the time I listen.

Sometimes I come away from those meetings feeling like God and I are on the same page.  Sometimes I come away feeling like God doesn't even know who I am.  But how I feel about the meeting doesn't seem to matter much, because most of the time I am happy, joyous and free. And even when I am not happy that doesn't seem to matter because God goes ahead and demonstrates what He can do in spite of me anyway.

How I feel, and what my crazy old brain tells me, on any given day isn't nearly as important as what I do. Having these meetings is one of the things I do today.  Helping others is another, carrying out my God given purpose is another.

So you will all be happy to hear, Meeting makers make it!!!  I would also suggest about 900 meetings in 90 days!!!

I promise you, if you will make all these meetings, then when you get to an AA meeting, you will share hope and truth with the newcomers.  You will cross the line from a taker to a giver.  You will go on a rocket ride into a 4th dimension.  And after that you will never "feel" the need to waste our valuable AA meeting time with the details of your day or your worn out war story.  And if you do feel the need you won't do it because it will be against your principles...

Love y'all,


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