Friday, July 19, 2013

Who "we" is...

How can we read "rarely have we seen a person fail who has thoroughly followed our path" and then talk about everything but the path to the newcomer.  Guys, the "we" the big book is referring too is not you and me.  It is the first one hundred recovered men and women. 

This is what we hear.  My sponsor said sit down and shut up.  My sponsor said 90 meetings in 90 days.  My sponsor said I must take it slow.  Sorry guy's the big book is not referring to you, neither you or your sponsor is a "we".  "Our Path" is referring to the program of action described in the big book.  It is referring to the 12 steps. 

The only thing we have to offer is a path to a spiritual awakening as a result of working the 12 steps.  That is what my sponsor showed me.  My sponsor says "have you prayed about it". My sponsor says "God's got you"  My sponsor wants me to be dependent on God, not on him.

I hear people share that they have to remember how bad it was. My book says I can't "bring into my mind with sufficient force the suffering and humiliation of even a week or a month ago".  I need to remember what it was like so I can identify with the next newcomer, but I am not under the illusion that my previous misery will keep an alcoholic of my type sober for 5 minutes.

Lack of Power was my dilemma, I have Power from the one who has all Power today.  Apart from Him I am nothing. Connected to Him I have the Power to do His will and enjoy this life...

Why shouldn't I laugh, I have recovered and been given the Power to help others...

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