Monday, September 9, 2013

Power on the move...

I have some dear friends in the program. Their stories are touching my heart today;

One of them, is taking his child to Houston to see if he has a serious medical problem, one of them has just found out he has a 4 year old son and is going to have the opportunity to be part of his life sober. Another has a family member who has relapsed.  Another has business troubles of a serious nature, another has been blessed with a new job opportunity.

What do these guys have in common?  They have God's Power in their life today.  They are actively working the steps.  They are actively sponsoring other people.  They are each grateful for the positions in which they find themselves.

They have turned their thoughts to people they can help.  They are living happy, joyous and free no matter what their present circumstances.

This is the Power we can help people find in our fellowship. This is what it is all about.

It is not about sitting around after a few years of sobriety and pontificating to others, lecturing them on how they should act, walk, and talk. 

It is not about endless debates and wordy arguments.

It is not about opinion and damn sure not about therapy. 

It is about getting connected with the Creator and doing things His way for a change.

So get down off of your soapbox or up off your ass and join us... And if you won't or can't do that please, at least get out of the way... Cause we are on the move, and the Power of God can't be stopped...

What we carry is the clear message of hope as outlined in the first 164 pages of a book called Alcoholics Anonymous...

Peace and Love

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