Sunday, September 1, 2013


I recently attended a meeting with about 20 people.  The topic came straight from the Big Book.  Everyone got a chance to share.  The shares were full of Hope and Truth.  The newcomers in the room left hearing the simple message of our fellowship

I recently attended another meeting.  The subject came out of a different book and there were lots of war stories and a lot of discussion about feelings and opinions.  The newcomers left with mixed messages and a lot of opinion.

What is the difference between these meetings?  They are both in the same fellowship.  Great people in both of them that really care about others. 

The difference I believe is in sponsorship.  Everyone in the first meeting has a sponsor and the vast majority are sponsoring someone else.  People are actively working this program and connecting with God on a daily basis.  Sponsors are not only accountable to their sponsors but to their sponsees as well...

This means that the Big Book is used by these people as a textbook.  They know the actions to take on a daily basis because they are working and reworking the steps...

Now I ask you when you have the desperation of a drowning man, where do you want to be in the first meeting or the second?

Do you need the clear simple message of Hope as outlined in the first 164 pages.  Or do you need 30 different opinions?

Do you need to hear how some one else got connected to a Power that solved their problem? Or do you need to hear what a crappy day the guy with 20 years had. 

Do you want to recover from this disease or do you want to hide out in AA meetings twice a day for the rest of your life and always be recovering?

Get a sponsor if you don't have one.  Ask them have you had a spiritual experience as a result of working the steps... If they aren't sure then run like hell.

How do we get our fellowship back from the opinionated, self help, therapeutic gurus... One drunk at a time that's how.

We must stand up for something, or we will fall for anything...

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