Friday, December 20, 2013


Acting my way into a conscious awareness of the presence of my Creator seemed to me at first to be not only hypocritical, but also about the stupidest thing I had ever heard.  But I had no choice.  I was beaten down by alcohol, my options were all gone.  I did not have a plan left.

I had been through the first step.  I knew I had no control, no choice, and no power.  All I had was this old recovered alcoholic telling me to get on my knees and do the 3rd step prayer with him.  I didn't want to, I didn't believe it would work, I sure didn't feel like doing it.

But I did it anyway, it felt like it didn't change a thing, I didn't believe anything was different.  He told me to do it every morning, on my knees.  I thought it was stupid and I told him so.  He told me pray it to the wall, just do it.  I did...

I also took other actions he told me to take, inventories, lists, amends and the like.  Something happened in the midst of doing all those things I didn't want to do.  I became aware that the obsession to drink and use was gone... And I became aware of something else, the conscious presence of my Creator...

By simply taking actions I didn't want to take, my life has been changed completely and forever.  Not because I am special, but because God is...

So if you don't feel joyful and thankful this season, then try acting joyful and thankful and you will be soon enough...

If your fears and worries are crowding peace and serenity out of your life.  Then just act like your God is big enough to handle anything. He is...

All we really need, is to heed spark of that spark of the Divine which is in each and everyone of us, for it to burst into a flame which will keep you warm and fulfilled, in the midst of the wildest storm. More importantly it will spread to the people you seek to help and heal them as well...

This is my hope and prayer for all of you, my friends, in this Christmas season, that you humble yourself before your Creator and acknowledge that without Him you are nothing... That simple act of humility will give Him room to work in your heart and mind and accomplish for you what you cannot do for yourself...

I leave you with the prayer...

"God, I offer myself to the to build with me and do with me as Thou wilt.  Relieve me of the bondage of self , that I may better do Thy will.  Take away my difficulties that victory over them may bear witness to those I would help of Thy Power, Thy Love, and Thy Way of life.  May I do Thy will always!"

Peace and Grace...

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